The Kingdom of God (continued)

This is the same good news of the kingdom that Jesus announced to the crowds during His public ministry (St. Mark 1:15). As shown by the painting on these two pages, the crowds followed Jesus daily (St. Mark 1:45). Many realized that, through the life-giving words of His kingdom, Jesus offered them help and hope the world could not give. Jesus “saw a great multitude, and He felt compassion for them…and He began to teach them…”(St. Mark 6:34).

Jesus is offering you the same help today. Let these words of encouragement give you new strength and hope as you learn more about Jesus and His kingdom. In this life, we cannot escape the devil’s daily hassles. However, we can be free from his control over our lives. Learn how you can be freed from the devil’s grip and be forever part of God’s glorious kingdom, already in this life!

Our Patient Merciful God
The Bible and the Gospel speak of God's great mercy for us ...

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